Year 3: Cedar and Hazel 2023 - 2024

Image result for welcome to year 3

Ms MacDiarmid is our teacher in Hazel class.

Miss McBride is our teacher in Cedar class.

Mrs Henderson, Miss Charmley, and Ms Harper work with us in Year 3.

In Year 3 at Pinehurst we Experience, Excel and Enjoy.

Life in Year 3

The children in Year 3 are looking forward to a great year of learning. We have a focused session on Reading, Writing and Maths each day. We also enjoy lots of opportunities to learn about Science, Computing, Spanish, History, Geography, RE, Art, DT and Music each week. 

Hazel Class will have PE on a Wednesday, please come to school dressed in full PE kit. 

Cedar Class will have PE on a Wednesday, please come to school dressed in full PE kit. 


Image result for children pe clipart


Our Curriculum 

At Pinehurst Primary School we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that provides the children with opportunities to Experience, Excel and Enjoy. We aim to foster a lifelong love of learning, through delivery a twenty first century education. A cross curricular approach to learning encourages the children to be independent, reflective learners and responsible citizens. We work closely with parents to support children’s learning. 

English and Maths skills that we will be developing in Year 3 

English - Reading

This year we will be reading and discussing a variety of texts, reading aloud, making predictions and summarising what we have read. We will be using dictionaries to check the meanings of new words that we meet and showing understanding of what we have read through drama and role-play activities. Children will be also be reading different texts in school during shared reading sessions each morning. We also have a class book that we read at the end of the day.

English - Writing

We aim to improve our writing this year by planning, drafting and proofreading our work for errors and improvements. We wil start to use the horizontal and diagonal stokes needed to join letters and increase the legibility and consistency or our handwriting.

In Spelling we will be learning about how to add prefixes and suffixes to words to change their meaning and choosing approprtiate homophones for our writing including berry/bury, great/grate, main/mane and here/hear. We will also be learning how to spell the words on our Year 3/4 word list (this can be found within the documents below).

Our grammar focus will be on adding detail and interest to our sentences through the use of conjunctions to join and extend sentences, using adverbs and preopsitions to express time, place and cause and using nouns and pronouns for clarity and cohesion. We will be continuing to punctuate different sentence types correctly as well as learning how to use the possesive apostrophe and how to punctuate direct speech with inverted commas. 


We will continue to practise basic arithmetic skills including times tables, as well as our daily basic skills sessions.                               

The Wider Curriculum 

Please see our Curriculum newsletter at the bottom of the page for more information on our topics. 


How can I help and support my child at school? 

Homework in Year 3

Year 3 homework will be sent out every Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday. 

Homework will be set on Class Dojo every Friday for Maths to be completed by the following Thursday. A handwriting sheet will be sent out every Friday to be filled in at home and returned to school the following week. Additional homework tasks may be also given out if/when needed. 

Image result for reading clipartReading is encouraged daily and Children are able to choose a book from our class library to read in class. Please aim to read with your child for at least twenty minutes every day. Reading books can be changed once your child has read their book 3 times. 




Cedar Tree Dojo link: 

Hazel Tree Dojo link: 

Please contact your child's class teacher if you are having difficulty accessing Class Dojo.

Key Websites your child can use to support their learning in Year 3

Please contact your child's class teacher if you are having difficulties. 

Practical ideas to support your child 

  • Sharing books, reading with and to your child. 

  • Visiting places of interest, talking to your child about them, and encouraging them to ask questions. Places you may choose to visit: the library, country parks and local nature reserves, museums, etc. 

  • Making opportunities to play and work with others. 

  • Opportunities to be creative. 

To keep up to date with our learning journey don’t forget to follow us on X: 

School Account: @PinehurstP 

Cedar Tree Account: @MissMcBride20 

Hazel Tree Account: 

Where we will be regularly uploading what we do in class. Please continue to share with us your tweets about your learning outside of school as we love to see them! 

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